He is like a tree planted by streams of water that yields its fruit in its season, and its leaf does not wither.
Thank you for taking the time to visit our website. We hope that this information will give you a feel for who we are and our sense of mission. We are encouraged by what our Lord Jesus Christ is doing in us and through us. If you want to know more about CFC or want to plan a visit to one of our Sunday services, we invite you to contact us or simply join us this week at CFC.
We believe God not only exists as the Absolute One, but that He also has spoken in human terms to mankind through Jesus Christ – God the Son – and also through those He inspired to write the various books of the Bible. His revelation through Christ and the Bible provides us with an absolute reference point for truth. Thankfully, we are not left to drift through life with nothing more than our own relative opinions about the meaning and purpose of our existence.
Based on God’s revelation through Christ, we believe He created us to walk in communion and fellowship with Himself. In God’s creation order, we were fashioned to enjoy perfect fulfillment and a meaningful existence centered in our relationship with our Creator.
This community of believers is called “the Church,” the ekklesia—“those who are the called-out ones.” The Church is not an organization, but is that organic body of Christ-followers who have not only acknowledged Jesus as Lord, but have invited Him to live within their hearts through His Holy Spirit. As such, Christians are born again spiritually through the power of the Holy Spirit and experience a renewed communion and fellowship with the Creator by virtue of His dwelling within the human spirit, quickening us in relationship with Himself and our fellow believers.
The Church, then, is God’s “beachhead” in this world and is to represent Christ as witnesses of His love and His desire that all humanity might be redeemed (saved) into relationship with Himself. This witness in the world is testimony to God’s goodness and the life available to all through belief in Jesus Christ. It’s our privilege as a local church—and as part of the worldwide and historical ekklesia—to share the good news of God and His kingdom with all who yearn for true life and purpose, which will inevitably evade them if sought outside of God Himself.
We look to the Lord for His enabling power to be His effective witnesses to the world around us of His great love for all humanity as expressed through Jesus Christ.